The Love Adventure of a Caribbean Boy

In this poignant tale of love, heartbreak, and resilience, Everton embarks on a journey from Jamaica to the United States in search of his true love. After two years of marriage to Blessica, their relationship is left shattered when she leaves him. Picking up the pieces of his broken heart, Everton faces trials and tribulations until a life-changing phone call from Blessica reopens old wounds. Will time heal their hearts, or is their love lost forever? Kevin Gardner’s The Love Adventure of a Caribbean Boy is a raw and authentic exploration of the challenges and triumphs of love.

A Tale of Terror, Bloodshed, and Brotherhood

In the shadow of looming darkness, Detective Lunny and Princess Bethany must unite to save the kingdom of Layo from the grip of evil twins who threaten its very existence. As chaos reigns and hope fades, this gripping tale of courage, sacrifice, and resilience takes readers on a perilous journey through treacherous landscapes and unimaginable horrors. Will they unlock the secrets of the past in time to secure a future free from tyranny? Discover the fate of Layo in this thrilling adventure where the stakes have never been higher.